
Merseyside – Medical Retirement Officer

One of our members recently brought our attention to a job opportunity for Merseyside Police entitled ‘Medical Retirement Officer‘ which attracts a salary between £36,996 and £43,098. This position was ...

Celebrating a Decade of IODPA: From Humble Beginnings to a Beacon of Hope

Ten years ago, on a warm May evening, seven Avon and Somerset former police officers gathered in a pub garden. What started as a small meeting among friends seeking solace ...

Dr Vivian And Normal Appropriate Medical Treatment

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” is a slight misquotation of Alexander Pope’s “A little learning is a dangerous thing” dating back to 1774 and we do not think ...

Dr Vivian And Acceleration

It’s been almost 12 months since we printed our articles on the dubious methods used by one of our regular Selected Medical Practitioners (‘SMP’) – Dr Charlie Vivian. If you ...

Pension Challenge – The Remedy

Some of our members have received letters from their force regarding the Government’s intended remedy to the unlawful discrimination caused by the transitional protections under the Police Pension Scheme 2015 ...

Dr Cheng And Regulation 37(1) Reassessment Of Injury Pension

Essex police have engaged Selected Medical Practitioner (‘SMP’) Dr William Chung Wing Cheng to conduct their Regulation 37(1) reviews under The Police (Injury Benefit) Regulations 2006. Many of our readers ...

What Is An Injury On Duty?

The question is, “What is an injury on duty?“. It’s a simple question and you’d think there would be a simple answer. Well, actually there is, if you look at ...

When Is Receiving A Back Injury On Duty, Not An Injury On Duty?

Q: When is receiving a back injury on duty, not an injury on duty? A: When you are assessed by Dr Vivian. Here at IODPA, we informally advise a large ...

True to Form

In this article, we take a look at the practice of Dr William Cheng in seeking feedback on his performance. Dr Cheng acts in the role of Selected Medical Practitioner ...

Dorset Reviews – lessons learned, or not?

It certainly didn’t take Dorset’s new Chief Constable, Scott Chilton, who was only appointed on 12th August 2021, very long to authorise reviews of injury pensions under The Police (Injury ...

Essex Police Send Out Review Letters Before The Bank Holiday Weekend

Essex Police have sent out their review letters a day before the Bank Holiday weekend. This was a common tactic used by police forces to cause maximum distress and upset ...

Learn From The Mistakes Of Others

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself. — Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 – 1962) Here’s a question for you – Would you ...

Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? – The Police Pension Regulations 2015

Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? — The Clash The Government have now published their latest consultation document on the options available to officers who had their current ...

GDPR and retention of medical records

Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” – Author Unknown Today, we are going to relay a story regarding the battle of ...

Bad Law (Appeal For Justice)

Bad law, or a bad law, or bad laws may refer to: – A law that is oppressive – A law that causes injustice – Dumb laws, those laws which are particularly bizarre Appeal ...

Chinese Parmesan

Aunty Sophia is a redoubtable woman and a very good cook. Ask her anything about food and she will have the answer, from how to make the perfect Eggs Benedict ...

Surrey And Sussex Police Have A Candidate For File 13

“File 13” is a euphemism for the trash can or waste paper basket. Our attention has been drawn to a document entitled “Managing Police Officer and Police Staff Ill Health ...

Staffordshire Police Should Stop Digging

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging — William Penn Adair Rogers (1879–1935) was an American stage and film actor, vaudeville performer, ...

Who can view your medical records?

Sometimes a complicated question has a simple answer — Dr Suess Question: “Who can view your medical records” Simple answer: “A doctor, a doctor, or a doctor”. Do we really ...

The Devil Finds Work For Idle (Staffordshire) Hands

The devil finds work for idle hands — Henry David Thoreou We have it on good authority that our website is widely read not only by injured officers or those ...

The Shortcomings Of Certain SMPs

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar –Abraham Lincoln In our previous blog we looked at some serious misconceptions which have been implanted in the ...

Do SMPs Put Their Patients First?

No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar — Abraham Lincoln In our previous blog we looked at some serious misconceptions which have been implanted in ...
Virus found

The Wirz virus

Like computer viruses, successful mind viruses will tend to be hard for their victims to detect. If you are the victim of one, the chances are that you won’t know ...

Northumbria Police Produce Guidance To SMPs

A man who works evil against another works it really against himself, and bad advice is worst for the one who devised it. — Hesiod  (Greek poet, generally thought to ...