HR gone rogue Part 1

Serve as a police officer and you are treated as number, as a ‘human resource’ not as a person. If you are retired on an IOD award then you become an ex-number that still costs them … and the HR departments will try to collect the pound of flesh as to balance the books of their Director of Resources. Like Portia said to Shylock – you can’t take what you aren’t lawfully allowed to take. Poor metaphor, sorry – can I qualify it by claiming the blood Shylock isn’t allowed to draw is the same as the case-law and police regulations they aren’t allowed to contravene? No? .. I’ll get my coat.
Rhetorical question, but why are IOD awards administered by HR departments ?
When HR has the same director as the Head of Finance then chaos shall reign … To misquote Jessy J – “It’s all about the money, money, money”
“Pension and retirement costs are significantly overspent due to the large
number of medical retirements; 26 cases to date with a possible further 27
cases identified by the Human Resources department. This overspend will be
funded through Reserves and the number budgeted for within the 13/14
budget remains at 12 cases”.08/07/2013 Email from HR Director FOI 1102 email
Edit note: (Why have case-law when you can try to ask the Home Secretary to revoke it ! And they subsequently denied that there is a ‘HR v2’ – the version that needed ‘damping down’)
“The PCC’s attention was also drawn to the Injury on Duty Payment which is a recurring payment for someone who is medically retired but was injured whilst on duty (this includes the commuting journey). This is payable every year until death and currently accounts for £5.6m of the central pay budget (half). The Head of Retained Finance has raised this issue with Winsor following the Winsor Review, which did not pick this issue up, and the Constabulary suggests that consideration should be given to this ceasing at national retirement age. The PCC will write to Winsor to raise this issue again. […]
- Finance should consider managing medical retirements through a reserve rather than budgeting for it.
- The PCC will write to Winsor regarding the issue of the Injury on Duty Payment being payable until death”.
29/11/2013 HR/OPCC Meeting
“The College of Policing will be hosting an IOD training event on 31 January for SMP’s. A meeting of the National Attendance Forum will look at the agenda for the training day. MS asked if David Bulpitt looked at who is tier 1/2 etc. CW advised that the pension’s team is looking at this”.
“Central pay overspend will be allocated to departments where possible in future reports. Medical retirements was discussed and the potential need to accrue this spend at the end of the financial year dependent on advice from
- The PCC sought clarification on the advice given to retiring officers on thelength of time they have to be retired before they can return to a staff role –this is dependent on how different the staff role is to that of the Officer rolethey were in”.
16 letters are sent to youngest band4s (highest disablement) informing them they are subject to a Regulation 37 review.
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