The Dr Bulpitt Files

Please Home Office? Change the Law for us


… its crazy us doctors have to treat them as patients Please Home Office? Change the Law for us

Please Home Office? Change the Law for us
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The Doctor who walks away with patient medical records


Not only does he walk away with them, he names the patients the case files belong to and then Avon & Somerset police release the names…

The Doctor who walks away with patient medical records
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I think we have overdone it


An admission that the conveyor belt of reviews is starting to fray. I think we have overdone it

I think we have overdone it
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Dr Bulpitt realises only A&S, Merseyside and Notts are engaged in a mass review programs


One of the ‘select’ few.  Dr Bulpitt fakes surprise, making reference to Cambridgeshire.  A force he was FMA during a particularly nasty bulk review program….

Dr Bulpitt realises only A&S, Merseyside and Notts are engaged in a mass review programs
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Ready to “invite” people in


Everyone will be sent for interrogation…  Disabled former officers were told that they will only have to see a SMP only if their circumstances required…

Ready to “invite” people in
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Avon & Somerset HR admit to a difference between NAMF publications and what they tell pensioners


An admission that they are using NAMF guidance, but they are not giving the same answers to FOI requests Avon & Somerset HR admit to…

Avon & Somerset HR admit to a difference between NAMF publications and what they tell pensioners
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Dr Bulpitt discusses entitlement to an injury award based on a fire service court decision


But this is a mass review program isn’t it?  They are not allowed to revisit causation or entitlement! Dr Bulpitt discusses entitlement to an injury…

Dr Bulpitt discusses entitlement to an injury award based on a fire service court decision
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Shall we tell NARPO?


… oh, go on then.  Why is this a question? those affected should be told everything by default. Shall we tell NARPO?

Shall we tell NARPO?
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Let’s give the PCC finance officer some medical case files


…  but we might have put a label over the name.  The PCC finance officer has no right to have anything to do with medical files…

Let’s give the PCC finance officer some medical case files
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They know the score


Doctors Johnson and Bulpitt discuss that being forceful and direct is the key as the disabled officers know the ‘score’.  These are vulnerable and disabled former…

They know the score
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It’s all about the money and how much we can save


A dcotor engaging with a finance officer.  Who’da thunk it! It’s all about the money and how much we can save

It’s all about the money and how much we can save
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Ducks are lining up!


Disabled former police officers are painted as ‘targets’ Ducks are lining up!

Ducks are lining up!
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Bulpitt says to the SMP “you’re the boss”. Both say don’t believe their GP. They will conceal.


“We are one mind” they say.  General practitioners will conceal, so why not demand full notes from birth as there will be apportionment and causation there….

Bulpitt says to the SMP “you’re the boss”. Both say don’t believe their GP. They will conceal.
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Dr Bulpitt discusses permanency with the SMP


Again, there is a wilful failure to understand that revisiting permanency is unlawful Dr Bulpitt discusses permanency with the SMP

Dr Bulpitt discusses permanency with the SMP
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Not just a SMP, but “Our” SMP


Strangely, Dr Johnson hadn’t actually start to work for Avon & Somerset yet (he started June 24th 2014 apparently)  …  And Dr Bulpitt even has…

Not just a SMP, but “Our” SMP
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“Who do I send to invoice to, Dr Bulpitt?”, Says Dr Johnson


One question of many is why is the force medical officer talking about invoices and payment.  The friendship with the SMP is a cosy one. “Who…

“Who do I send to invoice to, Dr Bulpitt?”, Says Dr Johnson
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Local Fed approval? You got it.


Instead of stopping the train, the Fed welfare officer threw coals into the furnace to make it go faster. Local Fed approval? You got it.

Local Fed approval? You got it.
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We know what to do. There will be an awful lot of appeals


Although a decade of unlawful guidance has been overturned and hundreds of lives ruined, Dr Bulpitt is still willing to put people through the trauma…

We know what to do. There will be an awful lot of appeals
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Let’s invent new Police Injury Benefit Regulations 2014


There was no Regulations published in 2014.  In 2015, Regulations were published to bring in the new police pension scheme but there was no amendments to…

Let’s invent new Police Injury Benefit Regulations 2014
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The Dr Bulpitt Files
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3 thoughts on “The Dr Bulpitt Files

  • 2016-09-07 at 12:58 pm

    I am sorry to hear about the situation in Avon and Somerset. I know we have had problems here in the Met but I understand that they have now suspended reviews. Maybe they have finally realised that reviews have to be carried out in accordance with the Regulations and the SMP’s cannot act unlawfully and in contravention to the Regs.

    I was reinstated along with several others in one batch but I did experience how financially devastating it can be.

    I wish you well my friends and hope that you get justice soon.

  • 2016-09-07 at 7:58 am

    What an astounding insight into the mindset of a doctor who has so far abandoned the ethics of his profession as to allow himself to become the willing tool of the accountants.

    Dr Bulpitt is a disgrace, not just to the medical profession, but to mankind.

    The content of his emails is on the level of fourth-form tittle-tattle and lays bare the considerable extent of his ignorance of the police pension regulations. Talk about biased! This man has but one objective in mind, formed from assumptions which are based on speculation, and that is to find ways to reduce the payments made to disabled former officers who were injured in the line of duty.

    His energies are spent fretting about the cost of pensions to his employers, and he has none left to devote to caring for the people who reluctantly and devastatingly were placed in the condition where they qualify for their injury pensions.

    If this quack has a conscience, then he should resign. Of course, he has no conscience, and neither have the people who employ him. His going is inevitable, and if he won’t jump then he will have to be pushed.

  • 2016-09-04 at 10:10 pm

    This is outrageous. There is no element of fairness in any of this. Their sole intent is to take money from injured pensioners and thereby save money for their budget. And who is leading the charge – Bulpitt and Johnson. Why would they be so keen to do the bidding of the PCC? At least they are being well paid – and there you have it folks..

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